
I have a dream.....


The other night I had this crazy ridiculous dream.  Actually, this one isn't so bad.  Pretty normal comparatively but it's relevant to our family so I'll tell you about it.

Our whole family went to Palo Alto to visit Ashlie because the due date for her tiny dancer to come out had passed by a whole week and we didn't want to miss it--understandably.  When we got there, Ashlie turned off the lights and sat down in a chair that had a spotlight on it. (I think my mind didn't want to try to figure out what Ashlie's new apartment looked like...)  She looked extremely grave.  She told us she had an announcement.  We waited.  And whilst we were waiting, I noticed something odd.  She was wearing Doctor Seuss boxers and a girl's camp T-shirt BUT these items were both Chandler's.  Because she was pregnant this made the shirt more than a little tight and half of her belly.  Only,  the belly didn't look like a pregnant lady's belly.  It looked EXACTLY- MOLE FOR MOLE-like Michael's.  I was confused.  I guess my subconscious tried to explain this discovery by Ashlie saying,  "Family.  I have to admit something.  I'm not actually pregnant.  I've just gained a lot of weight and was embarrassed so I lied." 

UMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM OKAY.  Naturally, following this announcement, panic ensued.  I immediately started sobbing my guts out and Chandler started punching Ashlie's belly (made of fat at this point) without mercy.  Mom started flipping out and repeatedly yelled at Chandler,  "DON'T HURT THE BABY!!"  Then Dad was telling Ashlie that she was grounded from David for an eternity.   I'm not quite sure where David was or whether this would've been news to him or if he was in on the secret.   I woke up.

Upon reflection,  I am pretty darn psyched for this baby!

As for what happened this weekend,  we went to Camden Town and bought some stuff.  Dad made us go off sweets for 5 days of the week and workout 5 days as well.  For a long time.  This really should be easy (the working out part is) but the whole sweet thing is HARD.  One day, I'll be healthy....

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